Sincere Salon and Lounge

601 Watervliet Shaker Road Latham, NY 12110

Vintage feel. Modern techniques. Genuine service.

At Sincere, we start with this essential principle: our relationship with our clients is paramount in understanding their personal hair desires. We can relate to what seems to be constant pressure of wanting our hair to represent individuality. When we walk by a mirror and see our reflection, we tend to fix our hair. When we enter a store and see ourselves in the glass window, we adjust each strand back to its proper place. When friends and family come over, we stop before answering the door for a final fluff. When we get ready for that big occasion, we search for the perfect hair style to compliment our attire. As we continually evolve over the years, so too does our hair; we understand the emotional impact of these changes.

While true beauty lies within, our hair is an outward representation of our inner self. At Sincere, that truth is where our styling begins. Our hope is that every time you leave our salon, you have a refreshing sense of being yourself, that you feel empowered, that your vision has been fulfilled, and that your hair represents you in your truest form.

Sincerely yours,,,,

Hours of Operation

M Closed, Tu 11am-6pm, W-F 10am-8pm, Sa 10am-4pm, Su Closed

Call Sincere Salon and Lounge Today!

Products, Brands & Services Offered